Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Some etiquette while in business meetings

In Singapore, Western business exercises are quite common. But in general it can be seen that businesses are run a lot like families. The relationships are usually more important than the company. It is usually seen that the women are respected a lot in Singapore business. The women make up one third of Singapore’s total workforce. In formal functions Singaporean man are seen with coats and ties while women do tend to dress a little more formally. The dressing style is somewhat different than in other countries.

In earlier days according to Hindu and Muslim beliefs women should cover their backs, arms, and knees. But present days Singapore has seen a lot of changes culturally as well as in other aspects. It is advisable that in business meetings, talk to your colleagues by addressing them with title and last name. You should keep in mind that many Asian names follow the reverse order of the Western ones. While in a meeting, present your business cards to every other person present in there. You can do it happily in case you have an impressive title. You can also print your name on both the sides of the cards. I mean to say English on one side and Chinese on the other. Using gold ink is preferable.

Some of the employers give their employees a bonus during the Chinese New Year. You can equate it with one month’s salary. Before starting a meeting, it is mandatory for all to employ in social banter. During any conversation try to be enthusiastic but avoid interrupting. In Singapore, Politeness is very important while developing any kind of professional relationship. You have to practice speaking in low and modest tones. Standing with arms akimbo indicates aggression to many Singaporeans. So, try to avoid that. Offensive gestures should be avoided.

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